Setup 4 Impact Golf = Fastest way to improve at Golf

I help you improve your game by Simplifying Your Golf Swing

Let me coach you to your best golf ever online or at one of my schools with the easiest to follow golf swing learning system. This complete step by step system is not found anywhere else besides this website. I have simplified the instruction so that every golfer will improve through my personal feedback, and customizations.

You could struggle with your swing for years ...

... or even a lifetime. Maybe you've tried "tips" articles. Or watching YouTube videos. Or even getting in-person instruction from a golf pro or other coach. But nothing has made a great difference in your swing. The reason why is not surprising, once you see it.

The reason?

No one ever taught you a simple customized system based on what you need to do to make PERFECT impact.

The reason years of practice and “tips” and coaching doesn’t improve a golf swing is the lack of a system that focuses on IMPACT. No one ever taught you exactly how to make perfect impact for every golf shot you could face.

The content online you tried was piecemeal - YouTubers have to maximize views, and going into serious detail, systematically, doesn't do that. So they put up short, entertaining videos with some nuggets that may (or may not) help you.

Most tips and other instruction focuses on everything except the most important part of the golf swing which of course is the moment of impact.

The golf pros you learned from may have had the best of intentions, but the bottom line is that they did not help you achieve better ball striking and consistently good scores.

Without simplifying your setup, and then focusing on learning to make perfect pro-like impact you will NEVER improve.

Past lack of progress can cause some players to just accept their lackluster swing

The maddening lack of progress after trying so many years, so many things, can cause potentially excellent players to feel discouragement. And give up on it.

They can feel they're "just not cut out" to have a great swing.

Or that they can't unlearn old patterns.

Or that they'll never really have a dependable, passable swing - let alone a good swing,
or great swing.

That's an understandable feeling. But it's not necessary. At all. In fact, if most of what
you've tried before has let you down ... that's actually a reason for hope.

I teach you a proven, complete, and 100% online system for perfecting your golf swing

If most of what you've tried has let you down, that's a reason for hope because it just means you haven't been taught a complete system yet. Before today's technology, that required daily physical access to a golf coach who knew how to teach systematically.

Now time has finally come. Golfers can go beyond online “content” into a new complete online system for perfecting their golf swing. With systematic, progressive lessons, and easy online access to a recognized authority on teaching the easiest to learn swing in golf. 
Write your awesome label here.

Setup 4 Impact Golf is easier, because you will be taught to set up and make impact on the same single plane. From there you will be taught how to make pro-like impact for every golf shot you face whether it is a chip, pitch, bunker shot, putt, driver, fairway wood, or irons shot. Impact is what counts and you will become great at it.

The setup is customized for each golfer. This is what makes it possible for each golfer to reach their potential best swing ever. It is based on how your body can move through impact. Without the setup I teach that has you setup on your impact plane, there are too many variables to learn besides impact. It is the setup that makes it possible for you to finally learn how to make pro-like impact on every golf shot.

You now can get systematic golf swing perfection from Setup 4 Impact Golf, a complete online program that includes:

You now can get systematic golf swing perfection from Setup 4 Impact Golf, a complete online program that includes:

  • 30+ videos
  • Personalized feedback from Kirk Junge, a highly successful golf coach and a recognized authority on coaching golfers to the best golf of their lives.
  • Kirk will help you through a free coaching app for members only, that makes it easy for you to improve through his recommended customizations that fit your needs. So you will not waste countless hours trying to copy any other individual golfer.

Finally improve your complete golf game - faster than you may think

Progressing through the Setup 4 Impact step-by-step system, you'll see your swing corrected from the ground up. Through Kirk's systematic guidance and feedback, you'll modify your swing into the most efficient, powerful, and safe swing in golf today - without having to completely remake your entire technique.

Remember that Kirk's main goal is to help you improve as fast as possible. So that you can play the BEST golf of your life!

And because this learning tool and Kirk's personalized feedback starts from where you are, you'll see rapid, solid progress that accumulates day after day - and stays with you - all at your own

Where will your golf game be at this time next year? (Here’s a guarantee.) 

The Setup 4 Impact system of learning a golf swing transforms players’ skills. Their swings become powerful, accurate, and safer. 

You’ve tried winging it. You’ve even tried personalized instruction. But you’re getting the same results that just don’t satisfy you. 

Where will you be this time next year, with your golf swing? Still struggling? Or will you have a corrected, efficient, powerful swing that lets  you more consistently hit longer, and more accurate golf shots, better chips, pitches and bunker shots, as well as sinking more putts? 

Try it. I guarantee you’ll find success. In fact, after 30 days if you’re not satisfied with the high quality, systematic coaching, and you have submitted at least four videos for me to review, simply shoot me an email and I’ll refund your money – no games, no questions, no risk to you.

Just give me a chance to do what I love doing, which is to help people like you improve at golf. 



Access Setup 4 Impact anywhere, any time, and at your own pace.

You'll learn each of the fundamental skills, complete with drills, before moving to the next step.

You get 17 lessons, each with one or more detailed instructional videos - all part of a system, not like most instructor's YouTube videos that have very little detail, and never seem to help much.

Choose Your Plan



Per Month
  • Now with a 7 Day Free Trial.
  • Brand new learning program for Spring 2024
  • Video Reviews through the Onform App (2 per day)
  • Access to the complete step by step learning program for Setup 4 Impact golf. Not found on Youtube.
  • Live online sessions/webinars with Kirk online.
  • Get $15 in school credit for every month paid as a monthly member
  • Member Pricing on schools based on credit above.
  • Includes Private member's only Webinars
  • Ongoing communication with Kirk Junge
  • Includes access to all short game videos, advanced videos, and past method videos
  • Access to new videos as they are released
  • Unlimited email support
  • Access to Private Facebook members only group.
  • 30-days Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Access through new app coming out soon.



Per Month
  • Now with a 7 Day Free Trial.
  • Brand new learning program for Spring 2024
  • Up to 2 video reviews per day through the free Onform app
  • Access to the complete step by step learning program for Setup 4 Impact golf. Not found on Youtube.
  • Live online sessions/webinars with Kirk online.
  • Get $150 in school credit for every year paid as a yearly member. This is applied to the member's school price
  • Member Pricing on schools based on credit above.
  • Includes Private member's only Webinars
  • Ongoing communication with Kirk Junge
  • Includes access to all short game videos, advanced videos, and past method videos
  • Access to new videos as they are released
  • Unlimited email support
  • Access to Private Facebook members only group.
  • 30-days Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Access through new app coming out soon.

How the system perfect for SWING


Many people don't know that hitting a golf ball with more power and accuracy is about returning the club through impact with the least amount of effort. Unlike traditional swings, the Setup 4 Impact golf swing starts in the same position as the hands and club will swing through impact. Which means fewer moving parts to the swing. The motion is easier to learn, easier to repeat, and easier to implement- thereby simplifying ball-striking for anyone.


You'll generate amazing new amounts of power with this swing. By keeping your club on the same plane and simply turning your body, you load the downswing with explosive power, hitting the ball with crisp, clean contact and sending it on a perfect trajectory that flies farther than ever. You'll love all the extra yards this simplified Setup 4 Impact golf swing gives you! Plus the swing can also be customized to fit any golfer regardless of size, flexibility, injuries, or body type.


Straight towering shots are the hallmark of great golfers - and you can master them. The Setup 4 Impact Swing ensures you strike the ball with precision. Because you start the swing at the point of impact, this simple shift in body and club positioning keeps the ball on target-right from the start of the swing. This is the Ultimate Golf swing and you can't screw it up! You will also learn the secret release move that ensures dead straight golf shots.


The Setup 4 Impact Golf Swing maintains the hand, club shaft and spine alignment from address to impact, allowing for a smooth-as-silk golf swing. There is less upward motion of the spine which means less stress on the spine and less overall stress on the body. Of course this also reduces the movement of the body and results in more consistency.



Efficiency comes from getting more out of less. Due to superior biomechanics, this Setup 4 Impact golf swing produces increased power and force-but with lower energy output. (Perfect for older golfers who need to conserve energy and avoid body stress.)

Top benefits of Setup 4 Impact Golf

  • Easily customize the swing to fit each individual golfer regardless of age or physical condition.
  • Easy-to-follow learning program lets you first learn how to move properly at home with easy-to-do slow motion drills.
  • You will know exactly how you should be swinging the club.
  • You get full access to Kirk Junge by email, webinars, and submitting videos to him through the free Onform golf app (People pay thousands of dollars for access to Kirk.)
  • Club moves efficiently on one single plane back and through, not multiple planes which is far too complicated for normal golfers (non-pga tour golfers).
  • Setup and grip make it easier to achieve a square clubface through impact, which gives you more distance with the same swing speed you have always had. Of course, you get more accuracy as well. A square clubface hits the ball farther, and straighter.
  • Unlike the traditional golf swing, there is less compression on the spine. This is because we teach you to keep your hips more level from setup through impact, at the same time the head is staying level. In most conventional golf swings the hips move up while the head moves down.
  • We use the ground to generate more speed, without having to make more space for impact as in the traditional swing.
  • Also learn the simplest way to chip, pitch, and hit bunker shots.
  • Groove the perfect putting stroke at home, with a simple to follow program. Never worry about missing 3 footers again.
As a member you are also encouraged to send me videos of your golf swing for review. This is included in your membership. Feedback is a critical component in learning a great golf swing.  We will have detailed information as to how you can upload your videos to the Free Onform Golf app, which does not cost anything, and then we will review your video, and show you what needs work.

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to change everything to convert to the Setup 4 Impact golf swing?

Not at all! We try to change as little as possible when starting the Setup 4 Impact method. With some simple changes to your setup, you should be hitting the ball better immediately. Additional changes can be made as your progress through the lessons to optimize your swing.

Will I lose distance?

You should gain distance! Setup 4 Impact doesn’t place any restrictions on body movement; We encourage it! The drills will help you learn to use your body in the right sequence for accuracy and distance.

JumboMax UltraLite grip discount and sizing info.

Kirk’s preferred grip is from Jumbomax Golf, and they currently have two models of grip that he recommends. The lighter JumboMax UltraLite grips, and the JMX Zen Lite grips which are about 10 grams heavier. JumboMax grips are not a requirement for this method, Kirk has found however that around 80% of clients who try them actually hit the ball more consistently with them. Size is important as well and his recommendations are below. You can also see a video on the grips that Kirk made (here)

The larger grip size can help with grip pressure and feeling more comfortable holding the club, especially for those with arthritis or other physical issues. Kirk has found that 80% of golfers do better with these grips when they fit properly, and he highly recommends trying them.

Try a couple grips before buying them all unless you are sure you will like thicker grips. The JumboMax UltraLite grips even in size small are somewhat thicker than normal jumbo grips. If you measure your hand size from wrist crease to longest finger then Kirk recommends the following. 7.5 ” to 8″ size small, 8″ to 8.5″ Medium, 8.5″ to 9″ Large, and larger than 9″ the XL size. Smaller than 7.5″ try the X-Small size. Smaller than 7″ should try Standard Jumbo grip from JumboMax Ultralite and smaller than 6.5″ a Midsize option from another company.

Make sure you get the UltraLite, or Zen Lite grips, not the normal ones from them as they are very heavy. 

Kirk has arranged a 10% discount for his clients. To take advantage you need to use the following link. or use Coupon code KIRK10 when checking out.

Ultralite Grip Review – Youtube 

Sign Up for Our New App


Which has two free lessons including the Grip, and setup, as well as learning
how to make pro-like impact. More content to be added.